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Writer's pictureSigma Lambda Beta

86 Club Contributor Spotlight: Brother Jose Maldonado

Sigma Lambda Beta recently launched a new initiative called the 86 Club. One of our first contributors was Brother Jose Maldonado. We sat down with him recently to see why he felt it important to support the 86 Club.

Can you give a little Sigma Lambda Beta background? When and where did you cross? What roles have you had or currently possess?

In terms of my background and involvement with Sigma Lambda Beta Int’l Fraternity, I crossed into the Iota Delta Chapter at Binghamton University in New York State. My crossing date into the Brotherhood was February 5th, 2011, which we that school considered my line “Winter 2010”. Once I was initiated into SLB, I served as the Community Service Chair while we were in the process of getting Chapter status. I enjoyed working with campus partners and local agencies to help bring service hours to our membership. Unfortunately, our chapter closed due to low membership numbers in 2013, so I decided to continue my work within the Fraternity by applying and accepting the position as the Director of Member Services at Sigma Lambda Beta Int’l Fraternity Executive Office in Iowa City. For 2 years, I helped to support and advised Five Regional areas:

  1. East Region

  2. Northwest Region

  3. South Region

  4. Southeast Region

  5. Midwest Region

I really enjoyed my time working with the EBOD, my Executive Office Staff members, Sigma Lambda Gamma National Headquarters staff, as well as getting to know Brothers from Almighty Alpha Chapter at the University of Iowa.

What do you currently do professionally?

Right now, I am currently working as the Diversity Fellow at Binghamton University under the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. I also work as a Support Staff Assistant for the University’s Multicultural Resource Center.

What was your initial reaction when you first heard of the 86 Club?

When I first heard about the “86 Club” through our SLB Social Media, I thought it was an amazing opportunity to give back and help support a great initiative. I have really donated as much money as I wanted to in the past, so I thought that this would be an awesome way to provide logistical assistance to numerous chapters, colonies, as well as financial campaigns at the National level. I look forward to continuing to support this cause my commitment and pledge to the Brotherhood.

What convinced you to join the 86 Club?

I think what ultimately convinced me to join the “86 Club” was that I could be part of the Founding Class that will essentially help pilot and support the growth initiatives for Sigma Lambda Beta. I understand how important this Fraternity is to me and my personal Brotherhood as I continue developing awesome relationships and partnerships with all those Brothers that I meet. Plus, I think it goes to show leadership that we as a Brotherhood are looking to better ourselves through the foundations we had laid over the years.

How long have you been waiting for an opportunity like this?

Well, I mean I think we were working on getting to a financial initiative such as this, but I believe that we needed as a Brotherhood to grow more in numbers in terms of an Alumni base.

For alumni that are on the fence about joining the 86 Club, what would you say to them to convince them to join?

What I would say to help convince the Brothers of joining is understanding the impact your dollars will make to a Brother who is struggling to get to BETACON or to Leadership Institute. I think we all understand how difficult it could be to finance those types of commitments when you might not have a stable job, and that your membership is maybe 4 or 5 Brothers. I think we need to look at the future, and how these monies will continue to grow and help provide the necessary scholarship needed to make our Fraternity a premier organization with Fraternity and Sorority Life.

What would you like to see SLB accomplish in the next 5-10 years?

I would like to see our Fraternity continue to acknowledge Brothers on the national level for the dedication and hard work that they do in different fields and professions. I think we have many great and talented Brothers doing amazing work that goes unnoticed, so trying to come up with a “Brother Hall of Fame” or like the “Brothers Nobel Peace Prize” so that we can celebrate their achievements as a Brotherhood Achievement.


To find out more information about joining the 86 Club, please visit our page.


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