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Is the Executive Office still open?Yes, the Executive Office is still open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm CST.
Is my chapter allowed to conduct events?Yes, all chapter are approved to conduct events. However, all chapters are required to follow university, local and state Covid-19 guidelines.
Are Brothers still required to pay Membership Dues?Yes, all undergraduate Brothers are still responsible for paying membership dues on October 15 (Fall) and February 15 (Spring). Membership dues are $135 per Brother, per semester.
Can my chapter still conduct intake?Sigma Lambda Beta encourages all chapters to conduct intake through an in-person, virtual, or hybrid education process. Chapters should reach out to their Fraternity and Sorority Life office to determine what the university guidelines surrounding covid-19 are.
Will chapters still be required to attend Leadership Institute?This year, Sigma Lambda Beta will be hosting a virtual Leadership Institute. All chapters are required to register and attend with two (2) collegiate delegates.
Who should I contact for resources regarding chapter operations?Please contact your respective Director of Member Services.
How do I receive Sigma Lambda Beta updates on COVID-19 procedures?If you are not already receiving emails from the Executive Office, please send an email to
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