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  • Is the Executive Office still open?
    Yes, the Executive Office is still open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm CST.
  • Is my chapter allowed to conduct events?
    Yes, all chapter are approved to conduct events. However, all chapters are required to follow university, local and state Covid-19 guidelines.
  • Are Brothers still required to pay Membership Dues?
    Yes, all undergraduate Brothers are still responsible for paying membership dues on October 15 (Fall) and February 15 (Spring). Membership dues are $135 per Brother, per semester.
  • Can my chapter still conduct intake?
    Sigma Lambda Beta encourages all chapters to conduct intake through an in-person, virtual, or hybrid education process. Chapters should reach out to their Fraternity and Sorority Life office to determine what the university guidelines surrounding covid-19 are.
  • Will chapters still be required to attend Leadership Institute?
    This year, Sigma Lambda Beta will be hosting a virtual Leadership Institute. All chapters are required to register and attend with two (2) collegiate delegates.
  • Who should I contact for resources regarding chapter operations?
    Please contact your respective Director of Member Services.
  • How do I receive Sigma Lambda Beta updates on COVID-19 procedures?
    If you are not already receiving emails from the Executive Office, please send an email to
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