We are so excited that you are interested in joining that special and distinctive community of Sigma Lambda Beta men. We also want to acknowledge that joining a fraternal organization such as Sigma Lambda Beta is a significant decision in one’s life. Because of this, you must have as much information as possible so that you can make the best decision for yourself. It is imperative that you do your due diligence and learn about those fraternities that you believe are of interest to you. For example, it is important to know the organization's history, mission, and values so that they align with your own. There is no one formulaic equation that anyone can provide you. It simply has to be right for you. What we have learned as this process will require that you be candid with yourself!
Be passionate about Sigma Lambda Beta’s history, mission, and values
Membership is available for collegiate men who are enrolled full-time at a college or university where there is an active collegiate entity of Sigma Lambda Beta
If your college/university does not have a chapter of Sigma Lambda Beta, check out our Expansion information to see if starting a new chapter is the right thing for you
Interested men must have a 2.50 cumulative GPA at the time of application
If this is your first semester in college, you must show that you graduated high school with an unweighted G.P.A. of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
While not required, you are encouraged to attend informational meetings hosted by the entity where you wish to join
Contact the brothers at your school to learn about specific requirements upheld by our local entity (e.g. application packet requirements, interview, etc.)
Membership is only available to collegiate men who have received an official bid by a collegiate entity of Sigma Lambda Beta
Sigma Lambda Beta conducts membership intake via our membership education program. The length of the membership education process will vary from campus to campus based on individual schedules, your school’s Fraternity and Student Life requirements, academic calendars, holiday calendars, etc., but will typically last an average of eight (8) weeks and will not exceed ten (10) weeks. We encourage you to reach out to the officers at our collegiate entity on your campus to get specific information.
We take great pride in our membership education program. Through our membership education program, you will be taught the history, mission, and values of Sigma Lambda Beta as well as the local entity. Through the course of the program, you will have the opportunity to meet brothers from the local entity as well as from nearby entities to start building the bonds of brotherhood that holds our nation together. Additionally, you will receive leadership training and development to ensure that you will be successful not only on your collegiate campus, but in your professional endeavors later in life.
As you go through the membership education process, you will be required to pay new member fees. Please contact the treasurer of our local entity for current fees.
Once you have become a brother of Sigma Lambda Beta, you will be expected to maintain the following standards:
Maintaining a term GPA of at least a 2.50
Abide by the rules set forth by the Fraternity
Follow the rules and bylaws set by the local entity
Follow the rules and guidelines set by your college/university
Fulfill your membership dues obligations per semester (Please contact the treasurer of our local entity for current fees)
Attend National and Regional conferences (this requirement is per entity)
To be on point any behaviors related to “hazing” as defined by State and Federal authorities in concert with college and university policies which are clearly stated in student handbooks have no place at Sigma Lambda Beta.
The purpose of fraternity education is just that – education about the Fraternity, about the chapter, it’s history, ethos, reason for being, campus history and the Fraternity synergy with institutional history. It is an education about what makes a good member, or better put, “a Brother.” The senseless act of hazing not only creates liability risks for individuals, the entity or chapter, Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity and the University itself but also hinders the development of those relationships and friendships that define the Brotherhood.
It should come as no surprise that most States consider hazing to be a felony. What this means is that lawsuits resulting from a hazing activity may often exclude insurance coverage for members who were aware of and/or condoned a hazing activity and/or behavior.
Hazing carries many risks including but not limited to:
A civil lawsuit.
Criminal prosecution for an illegal act.
Discipline by the Fraternity.
Discipline by the College/University.
Possible loss of insurance coverage.
Put another way, hazing has no place at Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity.
Is the Executive Office still open?Yes, the Executive Office is still open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm CST.
Is my chapter allowed to conduct events?Yes, all chapter are approved to conduct events. However, all chapters are required to follow university, local and state Covid-19 guidelines.
Are Brothers still required to pay Membership Dues?Yes, all undergraduate Brothers are still responsible for paying membership dues on October 15 (Fall) and February 15 (Spring). Membership dues are $135 per Brother, per semester.
Can my chapter still conduct intake?Sigma Lambda Beta encourages all chapters to conduct intake through an in-person, virtual, or hybrid education process. Chapters should reach out to their Fraternity and Sorority Life office to determine what the university guidelines surrounding covid-19 are.
Will chapters still be required to attend Leadership Institute?This year, Sigma Lambda Beta will be hosting a virtual Leadership Institute. All chapters are required to register and attend with two (2) collegiate delegates.
Who should I contact for resources regarding chapter operations?Please contact your respective Director of Member Services.
How do I receive Sigma Lambda Beta updates on COVID-19 procedures?If you are not already receiving emails from the Executive Office, please send an email to operations@sigmalambdabeta.com.
If you are interested in joining Sigma Lambda Beta we can put you in contact with the local chapter at your institution. Please fill out the form below and we'll have the local chapter contact you.