The Alpha Beta Chapter at the University of Minnesota launched their month-long initiative, Rape Is a Man’s Issue, on September 30th. This initiative, which will run through the month of October, will bring awareness to the issues surrounding sexual violence across college campuses.
Through the use of a month-long photo project, a viewing and discussion of the movie Tough Guise II and lastly, a bystander training program, the brothers of Alpha Beta aim to engage collegiate men to start finding ways on becoming part of the solution rather than being at the centerfold of the problems surrounding sexual violence. Alpha Beta’s initiative to promote the importance of spreading awareness to the dangers of sexual violence across college campuses goes beyond the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities campus. The chapter would like to rally brothers from coast to coast to join them in this initiatve in order to maximize their efforts of spreading awareness.
With that being said, the brothers of Alpha Beta are asking brothers across the nation to participate in the month-long photo project. Here’s how to participate:
1. Find a piece of paper or white board. 2.Write the following phrase: My name is (your name) of (name of affiliated organization)[SLB], and I pledge to end domestic/gender/sexual violence by (or) because __________. 3. Send it to or tag Minnesota Betas on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. 4. We will include the photo as part of our compilation which may be featured as a part of the University of Minnesota Aurora Center’s and the Office of Fraternity Life’s Facebook pages.
This is an opportunity to bring to the surface an important initiative that has been long overdue especially among fraternity men, so get involved and support Alpha Beta’s initiative! Any questions can be directed to Bro. Kenneth Gonzales at